

This morning Kurt dropped me off at the aiport and I slept my way through a flight to Seattle, Washington.  As soon as I arrived in the Pacific northwest, it made total sense why people over here are crazy about their coffee.  The rainy weather makes me want to stay inside and get cozy with a mug of something warm.

So why in the world am I here in Seattle, you ask? Well, several weeks ago I shared my video entry for RESTART, a business makeover at creativeLIVE in Seattle, with one of my greatest inspirations, Jasmine Star.  Last year, when I decided to pursue a career in photography it was her words, on her blog, in her magazine Exposed, and at her speaking tour theFIX that helped me along early on and to have the opportunity to learn from her personally would be amaaazing.

Well, I was not chosen for the business makeover, but I was chosen to be one of the in-studio attendees... therefore, I am here in Seattle and tomorrow morning I get to be a part of the class... LIVE! I'm sooo excited!

In 2013, I am ready to face fears and embrace change; it's quickly becoming the theme of my year. From Jasmine's blog:
That's what RESTART is about: creating change. Lots of change. Because what most of us want are results, but we're also resistant to change. And change? Well, that's the grit that makes results manifest itself. The bigger the change, the bigger results. During RESTART we're going to deconstruct components of your business with a new purpose and rebuild these components throughout the makeover process. There will be an intention; you'll know why you're doing what you're doing. The best news is RESTART has little to do with me and everything to with you. Your dreams, your desires...and what we can do to bring them to life. Starting this Wednesday at 9am PST, and over the next three months, we'll rebuild the parts of your business that are keeping you from growing and connect with other photographers going through the same process. RESTART isn't about one person...it's about a group of people dedicated to making a change. 

If you are interested in checking it out, you can totally join in on the class!  Tomorrow morning, the class will be broadcasted online for free, starting at 9am PST through about 5pm.

I am ready to learn and do the hard work... I will try to post about what I'm learning, so check out my Facebook page for updates! See you online friends!


  1. So jealous! :) You will have to go check out Mars Hill!

    1. I wish I had time to... this time around was a pretty packed schedule. Maybe in March when I return :)

  2. Have fun! Learn lots!! Love, A Fix-er Friend!

    1. Thanks Mindy! Much love for all my Fix friends :)

  3. So excited for you...HAVE FUN!!

    1. Thanks Wendi... here's to making things happen and having fun too :D
