

One of the coolest things about being a photographer is knowing that I will never stop learning and that there are always ways to improve and grow.  One area that I want to excel in is my client's experience.  I want my clients to feel comfortable and confident in front of my lens!  So when I saw that Gina Zeidler was hosting a webinar called The Client Comfort Zone, I knew that I had to check it out.  Gina is one of a handful of photographers who I consider top-notch and really look up to, both professionally and personally.  I was blessed to meet her last fall when I attended the Making Things Happen workshop, which I promise I will blog about soon ;)

So today I am taking a break from editing, buying a mouse for my mild carpal tunnel, and joining in on a webinar that is gonna be uh-may-zing! Here's what I have to look forward to learning later this morning, courtesy of Gina:

Do you ever feel like you run out of things to say during a session?  Or there are awkward moments where you feel uncomfortable?  Do you ever feel like your images are too posy?  Do you want more real, BIG emotion in your images? Then this webinar is for you!

So excited to share this content on how to make your clients feel comfortable in front of the camera!  I will walk you through my sessions step by step, with lots of tips and tricks to get those big laughs, real smiles and have CRAZY fun while producing awesome images during your sessions.  We will rock through this content for about the first hour then head into some Q&A for you all to ask your questions!  This webinar is open to any creative that wants to learn and to make 2013 the best year yet!

Dance parties & a warm cup of tea/coffee/cup-of-nummy-choice prior to webinar are optional, but ALWAYS encouraged!

Yay!  Good stuff, right?  Really looking forward to this...  happy Wednesday y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting! Have fun!


